An Efficient Approach

Most of the photographers I see online teaching this craft seem to be artists at heart, they don’t place a high value on efficiency. If there’s a shooting or editing technique that can improve the quality of a photo by 1%, even if it takes 10x as long, that's what they'll do, and that's what they'll teach. In the context of a real estate photography business, this is a less than ideal approach. If you want to have a highly profitable operation, you have to save time everywhere you can, which is where this course comes in.

Fast Track Your Learning

• A foolproof way to set up your shots that will guarantee your success when you get back to the computer. No using flash and carting around extra tripods.

• A walk through guide of the entire editing process in Lightroom, complete with all of my time saving tips and tricks. This is my meticulously refined workflow that I spent years optimizing so I could spend the absolute least amount of time on the computer. No Photoshop or complicated, time consuming techniques required.

• A background on the fundamentals of real estate photography, practical insights for picking a camera, and a smart approach to choosing your clients and why this is integral to maximum profitability. 

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If this course doesn't help you, I don't want your money.
